Spread your wings as a commercial finance broker with the backing of a dynamic brand.
Becoming a appointed repreentative commercial finance broker is an increasingly popular career choice for commercial bankers and other finance professionals. It’s often a natural progression as talented people want to spread their wings outside of the corporate world and explore new opportunities.
If you’re looking to take the next step into the world of commercial finance broking then working with BIZL is a great way to go about it.
You'll need a lot of support as you move from banking into broking...and that's what we're great at. We're a small team who work tightly together so that everyone grows. We've got excellent training resources as well as tried and tested systems and processes to streamline the day job.
We're forward-thinking, fast-paced and innovative. We're no corporate, so if there's a good idea, we implement it; if something's not working, we change it; and if there is opportunity, we go for it.
We're agile in how we do business. The aim around here is to stick to our values - integrity, simplicity, innovation - while being commercially-minded. The key is that we play to our strengths and take opportunities as they present themselves.
Run your own Limited Company but with all of the permissions, systems and support that BIZL provides. You’ll earn through commissions and grow as you help more clients.