Business Loan Calculator
Work out how much your business could borrow
Get your plans underway by calculating how much you could borrow
Use our business loan affordability calculators to work out what a business loan will cost you as well as how much a lender may be willing to lender to you. These calculators can be a good guide before you start a business loan application.
How much could I borrow for my business?
We have a detailed understanding of how lenders assess business loan affordability and we’ve loaded that knowledge into the “how much can I borrow” calculator. This will give you an idea of how much you may be able to borrow for your business based on your business profits. If you want a steer on business loan interest rates or how much a business loan will cost, take a read of this guide.
How much could I borrow?
Calculate how much could you borrow based on your profits.
How much will my business loan repayments be?
Use our business loan calculator to find out what the monthly repayments for a business loan would be. For a steer on what interest rates to expect take a read of this guide.
Business Loan Calculator
Calculate what your business loan repayment would cost you.
Looking for our buy to let mortgage calculator?
Head over to our buy to let mortgage calculator to work out how much you could borrow.
Want some advice?
Talk to one of our Business Finance Specialists. We’re on hand to take you through the options available.